BALIEM NEWS | The Walak Tribe, the Central Mountains of Papua, officially received the New Testament Bible which was translated into the Walak Tribe language.
(Ilugwa 09/14/2021).
Image Caption: The Walak community surrounds five thousand copies of the walak language Bible |
The moment of launching the Bible was attended by thousands of walak tribal people and sympathizers from various regions. Also attended by the Indonesian Bible Institute (LAI) to give appreciation and encouragement for the old testament to be completed as soon as possible. The spiritual parents of Pdt. Keboba Wanimbo then left a message "The Bible that is distributed must be handled well and studied, don't think of this Bible as paper, especially for young people" Wanimbo added "Walak people the Bible is ready and a message to Walak people please think about Bible schools in Walak language, they should be opened with STAID " . In addition, Pdt. Markus kidlungga. S, Th, as an intellectual actor as well as the head of the team for translating the Bible in the language of the Walak tribe, expressed his deep gratitude to the Lord Jesus, "Today the Lord Jesus wants to speak to the walak people using walak language, the walak people are obliged to read this Bible from Matthew to Revelation later, write down what is lacking. and will be in seminars for reprinting." In addition, Markus added "The Old Testament Bible has not been translated yet seventeen books have been completed, if it will be released again in full the Old and New Testament Walak language Bibles". For 20 years it was translated and the launch time was delayed 3 times, finally on the 14th it was officially launched. He also expressed his gratitude for the support of all parties making this Bible possible. Elsewhere, Elison Uaga as chairman of the Jayawijaya Student Association who as a native child of Walak really appreciates "we as the next generation who will use the book really appreciate and express our gratitude to the Lord Jesus who has presented Mr. Kidlungga as the biggest gift of the walak tribe " Uaga continued " Prior to the launch, we had discussions with you first and we understand very well the process that you are going through is very difficult but still consistent." In the first printing, five thousand books were printed which were assisted by the Indonesian Bible Institute.