By: Yefta Lengka
Dear readers, this article is not a Theological teaching. The author will try to provide opinions and accommodate writings from various sources to become joint learning in writing about the role of God's church (congregation/individual) in dealing with various global issues in the Land of Papua today.
Today, no one can stem these global issues which are getting heavier day by day. Because we no longer exist in the era of Inquisition, Prohibition and let everything happen (surrender) but we are in terms of persuasion. Which means that everyone is protected by law in each country on earth.
The Land of Papua is nicknamed the Land of the Bible. And the majority of people in the Land of Papua are Christians even though there are several religions in the Land of the Bible. Even though many people in the Land of Papua have behaviors that deviate from the meaning of Christianity and the Bible itself. Because generally Christians are referred to as followers of Christ, meaning that all of this life must follow the example of Jesus as written in the Bible. But even though the lives of Christians are so dirty, at this time we exist solely because of God's Grace on the land of Papua.
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Picture of a drunk person |
In the context of global issues in the land of Papua, the author only outlines a few points namely; Poverty and Hunger, Alcohol, Drugs and Marijuana and Gambling (Togel), Abortion and Free Sex.
First: Poor and Hungry Papuans?
Are poverty and hunger a global issue? The answer: Yes. Because there are many countries on this earth, some of the population experiences this. Then what about Papua?
At first the Papuans were hardworking and rich. Because the land of Papua is overflowing with milk and honey and the fertile land is blessed by God. However, after getting to know the culture of government, the Papuans turned into Lazy and Poor. The question is why the Papuans are lazy and poor? The answer is simple. Namely: Because the Indonesian government provides instant or ready-to-eat food.
Okay, before continuing, let's step back a little. The first culture of the Papuan people is the original culture that is inherent in each tribe throughout the land of Papua (Sorong-Merauke). The second culture of the Papuan people is Christian culture, the first time this culture was present in the land of Papua in 1855 in Manokwari (Mansinam Island) by two missionaries (Ottow & Geisler). Christian culture spread in the land of Papua so quickly by several mission agencies such as RBMU, APCM, OFM, AMA, from Australia, Germany, America, Italy, Portugal etc. Christian culture is the second culture of the Papuan people which is very popular with (social) love. The third culture of the Papuan people is the culture of government, this culture is present and introduced by 2 countries namely the Netherlands and Indonesia. Even more so after Papua was forced to join Indonesia through PEPERA 1969 which was a flaw in International Law. To this day the culture of governance has been deeply rooted within the Papuan people both from the Political System, Economic and Business System, Health, Education and so on.
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Picture When a small part of the people of Papua do Pepera 1969 by force |
It is this governance culture that eventually the Papuan people fall into on global issues. the author's intention is that the presence of the Indonesian Government in the land of Papua has provided many conveniences with the aim of welfare for the church of God in the land of Papua. but in reality things turned upside down. what is meant is that there is a subtle character assassination that is regulated in the system (systematic). From this we can answer that the facilities with the aim of welfare by the Indonesian government are the main actors of poverty and the laziness of the Papuan people to work and struggle.
A clear example is the Government of Indonesia providing the Special Autonomy Fund to the Papuan people which results in dependence on money. Not to mention village funds and other assistance. Simply put, the government must provide shovels and machetes. Not delicious rice and noodles. That's the logic right? So it's appropriate for lazy Papuans to end up poor on their own land. The embarrassment is doubled when Papuans walk around begging the Government let alone begging for immigrants.
Then what is the role of God's church in this situation?
This situation actually challenges God's Church in the land of Papua to act to help those who are lazy and hungry. Therein lies the role of Christian culture by God's church. When Jesus was in His ministry on earth He was always on the side of the weak such as the poor, people without proper clothes, the oppressed, the sick and the thirsty and hungry.
The function of the diakonia of God's church must be carried out. In this case, not only do we focus on money, clothing, food and shelter, but also God's Church must be able to dedicate itself to providing an understanding of the dangers of "Lazy to Poverty" for the Papuan people themselves. Jesus' Position It is clear that the author's intention here is that He is on the side of the weak. You can imagine that Jesus who is God Himself has become Man for Man. Then humans (us) don't help other humans (brothers) that's strange and indifferent, isn't it?
Second: What about Alcohol, Drugs and Marijuana and Papuans?
In the past, around 1918, white Christians in America had formed a party with the name "National Eradication Party". The Christians have a noble goal in forming the party so that all legal alcoholic beverage shops are closed and agents or factories are also completely closed. To maintain public order. The party mobilized its masses and campaigned for it in 1919. They received a lot of attention and support from various groups, including the leaders of the Protestant Church in several American states at that time. Not long after the American government made regulations prohibiting the Production, Distribution and Consumption of Liquor and then passed and enforced in all states of America,
You know what happened? It wasn't long before the American government received a shower of criticism from various quarters. In a short period of time, the sale and consumption of illegal liquor is happening everywhere. In fact it happened more violently than before the law was made.
That experience was in America. If in Papua it is surgery. you know why? Laws overlap, regulations each, policies also each. The people are victims of laws, regional regulations and policies. People consume liquor beyond the measure and then just die. Because liquor in Papua is easily accessible to anyone, anytime and anywhere. This situation has left the Papuan people unable to do anything but surrender (let it happen).
What is the role of God's Church and Leader of Christians?
This situation actually challenges God's church to campaign in a conscious state. Both through the Media and on Local Stages, Church Pulpits, Academic Pulpits and other official and unofficial forums. What's more, the family in one house believes that alcohol, drugs and marijuana are not at all important for consumption. Because alcohol, drugs and marijuana can damage the health of the body physically and psychologically..
Third: What about gambling (Togel)?
The gambling problem is one of the causes of laziness and poverty in Papua. it is undeniable, today gambling and lottery work both online and offline. Because of that many God's Churches have fallen into that world, gambling and lottery can be done by anyone (regardless of age, background, education, etc.), at any time (day or night, when selling, while walking, etc.) and anywhere (markets, schools). , etc). This situation can eventually become chronic if not addressed as soon as possible.
Logically, people think letters are younger than numbers. If someone constantly thinks about numbers then there is a possibility for psychological disorders. Even if it's far away, in Wamena alone there are many Papuans who work for weeks or even months just as lottery retailers on the outskirts of shops/kiosks. In fact, these people are rich people because they have families, own land, houses and profession. But they think money is everything compared to family, land etc.
Among such people there are many who no longer care about their family (children & wife), do not care about their health, they are just lazy, lazy and lazy. This is the condition of us Papuans in Wamena.
Then how do God's Church and Christian Leaders see this?
Demons/Devils prefer it when humans die quickly in their games. What's the game? The game is all forms of deception played as an instrument to bring people to a place where they will be thrown (Hell). So of the many instruments, gambling or the lottery are also instruments of Satan's game to destroy humans. How? When humans are already involved in gambling or lottery, they will try in every possible way, for example, addicted to gambling/togel, fights that end in murder because of gambling or lottery. It makes people stressed because they constantly think about gambling and lottery. Families disintegrate. That way the devil is very happy, especially if the person dies, the devil will be even more happy. There is a possibility that after the human dies and while suffering in Hell the devil will say: Repent you. You are stupid!
Today God's Church must open its eyes and ears widely to see and hear this. Then he opened his voice even louder about the dangers of gambling or lottery that bring humans to destruction. Thus we must talk about this threat wherever, whenever and to anyone.
Not only about laziness, poverty, alcohol, drugs, marijuana, gambling and lottery. However, there are many issues that develop in every place of residence, both humanitarian and environmental issues, all of which need the attention of God's Church.
Fourth: Abortion and Indigenous Papuans
Abortion or abortion is a process of killing the fetus in pregnant women. Abortion is simply understood as the killing of a fetus by a woman who is pregnant. Abortion is usually carried out due to several factors, for example; economic inability, there is no parental or family approval especially because the person who is pregnant does not want pregnancy for himself.
Until now, we have not been able to find complete data or research on this matter because it is still an individual secret. But there are many facts and incidents of abortion that we can see and hear from various sources; both through the media (newspapers, radio and the Internet) and orally by the people around us.
A key issue in the world of Abortion.
There are only two main issues on abortion, namely the pro-abortion camp and the contra-abortion camp. Pro-abortion is more concerned about the rights of the mother, especially the right to choose, and contra-abortion is more concerned with the right to life of the unborn child from the mother's womb. The first camp prefers the mother for reasons of preventing pregnancy in the mother, while the second camp considers abortion as an act of murder.
This pro-abortion group usually thinks more about mother's rights, apart from pregnancy prevention measures, they also think about a mother's background including health problems. The point is unexpected things that can happen when a mother gives birth, for example, a mother dies while giving birth to her baby because of the illness she is suffering from. Including thinking about the future of the child when his parents die during childbirth, so that the child lives his life without a mother.
Likewise with groups that are against or do not agree with the act of abortion. Usually they think more about children's rights, especially the right to life. The basic thing that is in their minds is that abortion is an act that is not commendable. For taking the life of an innocent person.
These two views are difficult to reconcile in the history of human civilization. Because both camps have reasons and arguments that are both strong and about the right to life and the stakes are lives.
The Church of God and Abortion
Disagreement of opinion on the issue of abortion is indeed complicated. There are various aspects, Legal, Theological, Ethical, Social and Personal. This topic is a hot topic when discussed in a community that does not agree. Because it touches the twists and turns of sexuality and reproduction and often involves serious and painful dilemmas.
Christians cannot avoid the problem of abortion, especially when making decisions in certain forums. What is at stake in the issue of abortion is not departing from the teachings of God's Word about God's sovereignty and the sanctity of human life as His children. If you and I say "yes" to Job that "God gives and God takes away, blessed be the name of God". So for Christians, giving life and taking life is a divine prerogative. Thus we can find the answer that: The act of Abortion is an act that is not commendable before God. Why? For God has said: “Thou shalt not kill” Ex 20:13 & Deut 5:17. So abortion is also an act of killing or killing.
More clearly David prayed before God who knows all in a conscious state like this: "For you are the one who formed my kidneys, woven me in my mother's womb" in Psalm 139. become a fetus, as a baby, child to adult. Including the times before the occurrence of humans and the future of humans after being in the world.
Job also said something similar "You clothed me in skin and flesh, and woven me with bones and sinews" Job 10:11. In the new agreement Jesus himself repeated in Mat 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20 and the Apostles Paul and James in Rom 13:9 & James 2:11 about God's law "Do not Kill". Thus, is it appropriate for humans to kill other humans who are the creations of God's own hands? Of course not. Mother Teresa once refused abortion and said:
‘…only Allah determines life and death…That is why abortion is a terrible sin. Those who do it not only kill life, but determine who should live, who must die. They want to elevate themselves to become Almighty God. They want to take the mighty power of God into their own hands. What they want to say is, 'I don't need Allah, I can decide myself'. That is the most immoral thing that can be done by human hands.
This child protection mission has received a serious response from the UN regarding the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959, children need 'special protection and protection, including appropriate legal protection both before and after birth'. This is the UN's positive support for the fundamental rights of every child in the world. Of course God's church must fully support this declaration, because a child in the womb cannot divide itself and convey God's divine purpose. That is why every child in the womb is entrusted by God to reveal His will on earth through them.
So of course as God's church, abortion must be a common enemy, especially abortions that are carried out intentionally without any health problems in pregnant women. Because it is the removal of the life of the fetus or the killing of innocent babies.
Fifth: Free Sex and the Papuan people
Free sex or free sex in simple terms is to have intimate relations between a man and a woman who is not the wife or husband of one of those who have such intimate relations. This means having sexual relations outside of marriage. This can happen anytime and anywhere as one wishes.
Free sex has become a new habit or culture for Papuans after experiencing life changes due to the strong currents of globalization. The flow of globalization is getting faster due to advances in science. Thus, the Papuan people also evolved from indigenous culture to foreign cultural influences, so that the original culture of the Papuan people was increasingly eroded.
This happened because of the granting of permits by the local government to managers of discotheques, food stalls and other similar establishments to gather commercial sex offenders (PSK) so that the culture of free sex spreads among Papuans. In addition, there are several factors that usually occur in such people:
1. Dissatisfaction with a partner.
This passage usually occurs in men but also women. Some of the possibilities that could occur are; because of the distance to the workplace, poor service in the household and education.
2. Economy.
This often happens to women. Some of the possibilities that make them have free sex, namely; inability to meet the necessities of life, meet the cost of study, fashion and other body care.
3. The influence of alcohol.
Very often free sex caused by liquor. Because people who are under the control of drinking cannot control themselves completely. They can have contact with people who have known the HIV/AIDS virus, so they can also be infected with the HIV virus.
4. Youth Passion and Internet Technology
Young age is a productive age. Not only that, curiosity by experiencing (experience) directly is also an unavoidable demand among young people today. Thus free sex can occur where the two people who are dating have the same curiosity. Especially with the existence of internet technology that is so sophisticated that anyone, anytime and anywhere someone can access pornographic videos/content. So that it adds to someone's sexual desire, in the end he does that.
HIV/AIDS is like a scary black hole and the threat of depopulation of the Papuan people
HIV is a virus or very small microorganism that attacks the human immune system. HIV itself is not a disease, but its presence in a person's body and the longer it lasts can cause a person's immune system to decrease so that it is easy to get sick, and the disease is then very difficult to cure. Inside the human body. HIV will enter the white blood cells (CD 4) by damaging the white blood cell walls. Furthermore, HIV will damage the part that plays a role in maintaining the body's immunity. Damaged white blood cells will become weak against germs or germs that enter a person's body.
AIDS is a collection of signs and symptoms of disease due to loss or decrease in a person's immune system. AIDS is the terminal phase of HIV infection. A person who is infected with HIV, if not treated, his immune system will continue to decrease over time, making him more susceptible to disease. If you have a disease, it will be difficult to cure. Even an attack of a disease that for other people can be classified as a mild disease but for someone who is infected with HIV the disease can cause death. for example the example of influenza.
In people who have good immune systems, this disease (Influenza) can heal by itself within 1 week even if not treated at all, as long as the patient eats, sleeps and has enough rest. In people whose immune systems are weak due to HIV, this influenza disease will last longer and will get worse over time. People who are infected will die from other infectious diseases (opportunistic infections) that attack their bodies due to compromised immunity. Some examples of opportunistic infections include: inflammation of the lungs (tuberculosis/TB), growth of fungus around the mouth (fungal candidiasis), skin cancer (caposi's sarcoma), (Subroto, 2012). People with HIV/AIDS are commonly referred to as PLWHA (People with HIV/AIDS). PLWHA who recover from opportunistic infections will remain PLWHA because of their HIV virus.
Data from the Papua Provincial Health Office as of September 30 2022 states that the number of HIV/AIDS cases has reached 50,011 cases. From these data it is known that; according to age the most were 25-49 years with the number of HIV = 11,685 cases and AIDS = 17,127 cases. According to gender, most cases were found in women with HIV = 11,640 and AIDS = 14,931 cases. The highest number of HIV/AIDS cases in the 29 regencies/cities is Jayapura City with a total of cases: HIV = 3053 and AIDS = 4708. Meanwhile, the highest number of patients who died was Jayawijaya Regency with 509 cases. Most of the risk factors are caused by Heterosex with the number of HIV = 19,862 AIDS = 28,751 cases.
Of course, if the Papuan people are not aware of the dangers posed by free sex, then it has the potential to lead to depopulation of the indigenous population (Etnosida). Indeed, we cannot see HIV with the naked eye, because this type is a virus. This is the main factor for Papuans to have sex freely (anytime, anywhere and with anyone) according to their desires. Especially if someone is under the influence of alcohol.
Now the indigenous Papuan population is decreasing or decreasing day by day. According to the research results of Dr. Jim Emslie: Migration of the population from outside Papua in 1971 totaled 36,000 while Papua 887,000 of a total of 923,000 in 1990 non-Papua 414,210 people and Papua totaled 1,215,897.00 people with a total number of 1,630,107.00 people. Then in 2005 the number of non-Papuans was 1,87,694.00 and Papuans were 1,558,795.00, a total of 2,646,489.00 people. In 2011, the number of non-Papuans was 1,980,000.00 and Papuans were 1,7000.00, a total of 3,680,000.00 people and in 2020 the number of migrants or non-Papuans was 4,743,600.00 and Papuans were 1,958,400.00 people.
Research Dr. Jim above gave an important warning to the Church of God today in the land of Papua as the future heir to the nation of Papua. One of the factors of population depopulation is also the result of HIV/AIDS. If Papuans do not realize that having free sex is a dangerous thing, then the number of Papuans will continue to decrease in the Land of Papua. Thus the awareness of God's church to remind each other is very important about the dangers of HIV/AIDS in order to minimize Papuan Human Deaths. Because most people think of sex as mere lust rather than seeing sex as a necessity for everyone who has legal marital status. You and I have a moral responsibility to educate today's generation about the dangers of promiscuous sex.
Wamena, December 2022